Forecast: We, 29.05.2024, Brazil

Cities: 1293 (1412) Temp. Weather
Uiramutã 86°F  showers
Normandia 89°F  showers
Oiapoque 86°F  heavy rain
Oiapoque 86°F  heavy rain
Uraricoera 86°F  showers
Boa Vista 87°F  showers
Boa Vista 84°F  showers
Boa Vista 87°F  showers
Tirios 87°F  heavy showers
Amapa 87°F  showers
Caracaraí 87°F  heavy rain
Porto Poet 89°F  heavy showers and thunderstorms
Tartarugalzinho 89°F  showers and thunderstorms
Teresinha 89°F  showers and thunderstorms
Porto Grande 89°F  showers and thunderstorms

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