Forecast: We, 15.05.2024, South America

Cities: 615 (0) Temp. Weather
Canivete 91°F  rain
Capinópolis 93°F  sunny
Caracaraí 93°F  showers and thunderstorms
Caracol 95°F  mostly sunny
Caracol 95°F  mostly sunny
Carajas 91°F  isolated showers and thunderstorms
Carajas / Maraba 91°F  isolated showers and thunderstorms
Carauari 91°F  heavy showers
Carinhanha 100°F  sunny
Carlinda 91°F  sunny
Carneirinho 91°F  sunny
Carolina 95°F  mostly sunny
Carolina 95°F  mostly sunny
Carolina 95°F  mostly sunny
Cartagena 93°F  isolated showers

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